Blood Pressure Health - Rival Nutrition
Blood Pressure Health

Blood Pressure Health

Posted by Stoney Clark @mr_results1 on Nov 14th 2017

The importance of dealing with high or low blood pressure when entering into fitness is high. Blood pressure, or BP, is a measurement of the force that your blood puts against artery walls. However, blood pressure does not remain the same: it can increase or decrease depending on a number of factors. Knowing the status of your blood pressure is very important. Also knowing what different things that could factor in whether your blood pressure is hypertension (high) or hypotension (low) and some blood pressure causes and risk factors.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a serious condition, and is often called the 'silent killer' among doctors. It is linked to increase in blindness, heart attacks, heart failure, kidney failure, and stroke. But being aware of some the risk factor could help you prevent some of these conditions. Some things to be aware of are : weight management you don’t want to obese, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, eating excessive amount of salt ,smoke, lack of sleep, it can be hereditary so knowing family history, and low potassium all these could help prevent some of these at risk factors. Then you have low blood pressure might seem desirable, and for some people, it causes no problems. However, for many people, abnormally low blood pressure (hypotension) can cause dizziness, fainting, or even life threatening. The causes of low blood pressure can range from dehydration to serious medical or surgical disorders. It's important to find out what's causing your low blood pressure so that it can be treated.

Exercising 30 to 60 minutes a day and also keeping a balanced diet can help bring down your blood pressure numbers. So if you’ve been inactive for a while, talk to your doctor about a safe exercise routine. Start out slowly and then gradually pick up the pace and frequency of your workouts. Start with daily walks, stretching daily, and then maybe a little strength training. Also you want to keep your diet in check by eating foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, fish, and nuts. Also you want to try eliminating a lot of salt and foods that are high in saturated fats, such as processed foods, full-fat dairy products, and fatty meats. Weight and blood pressure go hand in hand. Watching your waistline is also critical for controlling blood pressure. The extra fat around your waist, known as visceral fat, is troublesome because it tends to surround various organs in the abdomen. In general, it says that men should keep their waist measurement to less than 40 inches. Women should aim for less than 35 inches.

Given today’s fast-paced world that’s filled with increasing demands, it can be hard to slow down and relax. It’s important to step away from your daily responsibilities so you can ease your stress. Stress can temporarily raise your blood pressure, and too much of it can keep your pressure up for extended periods of time. It helps to identify the trigger for your stress, such as your job, relationship, or finances. Once you know the source of your stress, you can try to find ways to fix the problem. You can also take steps to relieve your stress in a healthy way. Try taking a few deep breaths, meditating, or time to just rest.