The Workout Funk - Rival Nutrition
The Workout Funk

The Workout Funk

Posted by Steve Tinoco on Aug 3rd 2017

Whats up Rivalus Family!

Steve Tinoco here with yet another blog for your everyday life. If you all haven't noticed, I tend to write about personal situations regarding health and fitness when it comes to blogging. Although there is nothing wrong with your typical “How to get Big” or “What to and What not to eat”, I try to and hope to connect on a personal level with all of you and show you the real me. Im no different from anyone else out there at all and we all have our achievements and struggles.

With all that said, this months blog is no different than what I'm going through right now and that is the Workout Funk. There’s no real definition other then the fact that you don't want to work out or are just going through the motions when at the gym. I’m here to try and not only help you, but help myself get through this time of having not so great workouts.

First off, what needs to be done is identifying why your workouts have been going the way there are. It can be anything from your personal life thats mentally shutting you down, work, family problems or you’re just simply beat from not taking days off in the gym. Identifying the problem in any situation is the biggest obstacle to overcome, but when you do figure it out it feels like a massive weight is lifted off your shoulders. No matter who you are, everyone goes through times where they just aren't feeling it, but I like to say, “something is better than nothing”. I’m specifically referring to going to the gym and doing a couple sets and leaving.

Another way to get through the Funk is to push through it and stay positive knowing workouts will get better in time. The plateau phase can be one of the hardest things to get through in fitness and health and to me its a feeling of being stuck. The idea of trying new things and nothing seems to work can be a tough process of pushing through it, but positivity is your best bet.

Lastly, the easiest way to get through bad sessions at the gym is to just simply take time off. Step away from the gym until you're mentally and physically ready to get back after it. Honestly, this is my go to. I workout everyday until my body needs a day or two off and that time is now. I wont go to the gym or lift a weight until I feel the need to have to get back in the gym. Sometimes in life, you just need to simply step away for a little bit and bring yourself back up.

Until next time Rivalus Family,

Steve Tinoco