Competition Prep with Kids - Rival Nutrition
Competition Prep with Kids

Competition Prep with Kids

Posted by Lara Cooke @fitgirl_1031 on Dec 28th 2017

Alright Rivalus family, anyone who has competed knows the amount of dedication and strength it takes to go through prep! Never missing a workout, early mornings and late nights in the gym. The countless hours spent meal prepping and counting macros. But this process is so much harder when you are a parent!!

This is something I’ve struggled with during prep the past few years. Personally I LOVE going through prep. I love being dedicated to the gym and staying on track with my meals. I also am a very structured person….I love schedules and sticking to a plan (which is perfect for anyone prepping). But being on prep and being a parent can throw in so many “road blocks”. With school activities, sports, homework and meals…it can be easy to miss a workout or cheat a little here and there with food. I’ve spent most of my off season this year trying to plan and figure out how I can stay on track during my prep AND make sure my children are still getting all the yummy meals, getting to every sporting event on time and getting as much “mommy time” as possible.

What it all boiled down to is….dedication. It’s easy to find yourself stressed and running around like crazy in these situations, but time management is key!! Finding time to complete every workout is the easy part! Staying on track with meals, I find, can be the more difficult part. So what I do is prep, prep, prep!!! I always have my meals with me while I’m shuttling my children here and there. I ALWAYS have 2 shaker cups ready with my favs, watermelon steam and chocolate peanut butter ISO Clean. If I’m making a decadent breakfast or hearty home cooked dinner, I’ll set my container of food on the counter and have it ready…which for me helps eliminate the chance of snacking on whatever I am cooking for them.

I know it can make competing a tad bit more difficult. But in the end, remember that your children are watching you and learning what dedication means through you