Isolating Muscles for Max Results - Rival Nutrition
Isolating Muscles for Max Results

Isolating Muscles for Max Results

Posted by Mike Matthews @themikejunior on Nov 22nd 2017

What is “proper form”? I mean, really. We hear warnings all the time from fitness experts and health magazine articles alike that if we don’t pull, push, lift, drop, angle a certain way or stand with our feet far enough apart…(but not too far apart) it’ll completely alter our workout and prevent us from working the muscle we intended to it’s full potential.

But is that really the case, or is a bicep curl just a bicep curl no matter how you do it? The short answer; yes it matters. It’s absolutely true that your form plays a big part in how effective your workout will be. Achieving proper form to execute true muscle isolation takes practice. You’ll need a more tailor made approach than copying what the guy with bigger muscles next to you is doing. However, there are some fundamental rules of thumb that every lifter from beginner to advanced should live by; we’ll highlight 3 here that’ll instantly improve your workouts and get you closer to true muscle isolation.

  • Keep your chest high and shoulders back. This position will help correct your posture by helping to keep your spine aligned.
  • Tighten your core. This will keep you balanced. Keeping your core engaged is an additional way as rule #1 to give your spine support, which will also contribute to good posture and preventing back pain and injury.
  • Stand with your feet firmly placed on the ground shoulder length apart. This will help stabilize you and you’ll gain greater control of your movements.

Here’s a bonus rule, think about lightening your weight to improve your form. Overloading your weight will cause muscle compensation; this is when your body activates other muscles outside of the primary one being worked to help complete a movement.