Training in Multiple Sports - Rival Nutrition
Training in Multiple Sports

Training in Multiple Sports

Posted by Ashley Svendbye @smashleysvendbye on Aug 23rd 2017

I get a lot of questions pertaining to how I balance the different sports that I compete in. I am a powerlifter, but I also train and have competed in both weightlifting and strongman. There's not a magic answer to this really, it's all based on my personal goals. If I have a powerlifting meet that I am prepping for, I will focus more of my energy on the 3 main lifts, and everything else just ends up being a bonus. Those 3 will come first, then everything else. It's a constant fatigue but there's no trick. It's more like common sense. Let's say you have to squat heavy tomorrow. It's probably not the best idea to then take the yoke for a walk today. You have to pick and choose, know what your priorities are and the rest of the work can follow after. And once your focus lands on something else, just make sure you're making the correct adjustments.

And then there's recovery.

You need to eat. You need to sleep. When you're doing a lot of work your rest becomes crucial. Again, common sense. If you're exhausted from training and there's another hard day coming up, maybe choose the rest over going out to party. There is no program. It's all how you approach what you want. You can make it work.