Confidence is Key - Rival Nutrition
Confidence is Key

Confidence is Key

Posted by Emalie Bassett @emaliebassett_fit on Aug 22nd 2017

Wow! Where to begin friends... A month filled of so many emotions!The exciting, anxious feeling of stepping on the National Stage had my heart pounding! Was I really as confident as I thought? Surprisingly, I could answer YES! Months of

long days, minimal sleep, SWEAT, BLOOD, & TEARS & I knew I was ready!

"123" the magical number I heard announced over the speakers, which meant I made FIRST CALLOUTS! I belonged on that stage and I was ready to own it! As the judges continued with comparisons, disappointment started to creep in. Stepping off that stage I knew I didn't earn my pro card, the prize my eyes had been focused on!

Proud of myself? YES, but coming so close it's difficult to not feel down. Where do I go from here? Do I push on being this close to my goal? Is this really my time? Or do I take time off and refocus? PRAYER, the only thing that was going to give me the answer I was looking for!

In the meantime, refocussing and unleashing my already lit fire was how I was pushing forward! No matter my decision, I'm going to grow... No, I don't just mean muscles! Grow mentally, physically, and emotionally! Cheers to pushing on fam!!! RIVALUS!!!!!